Oxfam reaction on South Sudan / Sudan resolution at the UN Security Council

منشور: 2nd مايو 2012

Surendrini Wijeyaratne, Humanitarian Advisor for Oxfam said:
"Oxfam was alarmed by the fighting and remain deeply concerned about the situation and hope this sends a strong message to all parties to cease hostilities and return to the negotiating table to resolve outstanding issues.
"The current violence along the world's newest border threatens to erase the progress made by citizens of both countries over the last seven years to build peace and could destabilize the entire region.  It is already causing significant suffering for people in both countries.

"Tens of thousands have already been displaced, and even more are suffering from increased food insecurity as conflict and the associated economic crisis drives up prices and exacerbates existing food shortages on both sides of the border.

"After nearly one year of fighting in Sudan's Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States, the humanitarian situation for people in those areas has grown ever more dire and Oxfam is concerned that the recent fighting between Sudan and South Sudan could aggravate these conflicts further and worsen the plight of the people in these areas.

"We must keep the humanitarian needs of those most directly impacted by this violence in focus. Many Sudanese refugees in South Sudan who have fled the violence remain in crisis. In Jamam refugee camp in South Sudan's Upper Nile State 37,000 refugees are currently facing a severe water crisis because resources cannot meet the need of such a large population.  Oxfam has called for at least 23,000 of these refugees to be moved urgently to a new site with a reliable water source before the coming rains make this extremely dangerous.  Some early rain two weeks ago destroyed many of the flimsy shelters in the camp.  These struggles represent the human face of peace failing in the two countries.     

"Through nearly thirty years of working with the people of Sudan and South Sudan to save lives and support communities, Oxfam has witnessed the devastation brought by conflict and the hope brought by peace. Too much has been lost, and too much invested by the people of both countries the international community for both countries to return to war.

"Preventing further escalation is not enough. The hundreds of thousands who are suffering from the impact of conflict need all parties to cease hostilities and inflammatory rhetoric and to return to the negotiating table to negotiate for long term peace before more is lost."

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Photos: Daily life in Jamam refugee camp, South Sudan

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