President Trump’s 'Billionaires First' policy will be on display in Davos

منشور: 25th يناير 2018
 Commenting on the arrival of President Trump at the World Economic Forum in Davos to promote his ‘America First’ agenda, Winnie Byanyima, Director of Oxfam International said: “President Trump’s agenda is not putting America First – it is putting billionaires first. Trump was elected on a promise to fix the rigged economic and political system but his policies will further enrich corporations and the wealthy elite at the expense of the poorest in society. “President Trump is not unique. Governments around the globe are fuelling the inequality crisis by slashing taxes for corporations and the super-rich, scrapping labor rights and cutting funding for essential public services. “People are ready for change. They want to see workers paid a living wage, they want corporations and the super-rich to pay more tax, they want women workers to enjoy the same rights as men, and they want governments run for the benefit of ordinary people – not billionaires.”     

Notes to editors

Oxfam’s inequality report 'Reward Work, Not Wealth,' revealed that 82 percent of new wealth was bagged by the world’s richest 1 percent last year while the poorest half of humanity got nothing.  

Oxfam will release a new survey on Thursday showing that the Trump economic agenda is deeply unpopular with the US public. The survey shows that a significant majority of US citizens want inequality reduced and that they favor tax increases on the rich, free education and medical care for all, increasing the minimum wage, and increased funding for safety net programs like social security, Medicaid and nutrition assistance. These policy preferences are in stark contrast to the Trump economic plan that will be on display in Davos.   

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 Anna Ratcliff: / +44 7796993288
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