Our Annual Report covers the work of the Oxfam confederation, illustrating work from our affiliates and country offices but also joint campaigns and financial figures. In addition to the confederation finance figures, the report also includes a map showing the impact of Oxfam across the world, the countries that we work in, our affiliates and Oxfam International offices.
Each individual Oxfam affiliate publishes its own annual reports, which can be found on their websites.

Annual Report 2022-23
Our new Annual Report is packed with stories that tell us that change isn’t just possible – it’s happening. The report covers our work as Oxfam globally. It is an expression of our collective effort. It is a response forged by women’s rights advocates, water engineers, shop volunteers, health campaigners and young activists. It’s a response in which Oxfam supports leaders and communities to speak truth to power.
Trustees Report 2022-23
As a key part of Oxfam's Confederation, the Oxfam International Secretariat (OIS) provides strategic leadership to the confederation, enabling it to share resources and increase impact and effectiveness. As part of its strategic leadership, the Secretariat coordinates and manages Oxfam's global influencing and campaigning agenda, country and regional programs, and the Global Humanitarian Team. This Trustees Report provides a snapshot of the work of the OIS and holds audited accounts. It is being submitted as a public accountability, stewardship, and compliance report to donors, project participants, and the general public, on behalf of the Board of Trustees.