
  • Large-scale sugar cane ethanol projects have resulted in serious environmental and social consequences for local populations in the Global South.

    Europe’s biofuels addiction is threatening human rights in Peru

    Blog by Oxfam België/Belgique
    3 August 2021
  • Members of Mashan Rongyan Farmers’ Cooperative proudly showing their seeds during the pandemic, Yunnan, China.

    Plant biodiversity is key to ensuring farmers’ food and nutrition security in response to the Covid-19 crisis

    Blog by Gisella Cruz-Garcia and Bert Visser
    15 July 2021
  • Sketchnotes taken during the climate adaptation webinar

    The International Climate Adaptation Summit needs to deliver for developing countries adapting to climate change

    Blog by Nafkote Dabi
    15 January 2021
  • Image of Uber Eats delivery

    A call for more inclusive and cohesive societies on International Migrant’s Day 

    Blog by Raphael Shilhav
    18 December 2020
  • Screenshot of the IMF COVID-19 Fiscal Tracker

    A Virus of Austerity? The COVID-19 spending, accountability, and recovery measures agreed between the IMF and your government

    Blog by Nadia Daar and Nona Tamale
    12 October 2020
  • Children collecting water, Bidibidi refugee camp, Northern Uganda.

    COVID-19 in Uganda: no school means no safe space for young refugees

    Blog by Moses Sakondo
    13 September 2020
  • Young, Malian activist Adam sits holding a mask

    Generation pandemic: Why leaders must include youth in coronavirus response

    Blog by Sagal Ali and Raina Fox
    11 August 2020
  • Najwa*, 48, is standing in her partially damaged kitchen in Harasta, Eastern Ghouta, Rural Damascus.

    Almost ten years of war and now coronavirus. Syrians fear the worst.

    Blog by Dania Kareh
    29 June 2020
  • Woman in a shop, Iraq

    Tackling gender justice and inequality during the time of COVID-19 and beyond

    Blog by Mahnaz Lashkri
    26 June 2020