
  • Shows water tap

    The EU’s Global Gateway: The European Financial Architecture for Development

    Blog by Jeroen Kwakkenbos
    30 May 2023
  • Women at the Feminist Food Convening

    Taking a Collective Leap towards a Feminist Food System

    Blog by Ratri Kusumohartono
    31 March 2023
  • no more austerity

    World Bank and IMF must recognize and challenge austerity dogma as a form of gender-based violence

    Blog by Friederike Strub and Amy McShane
    25 November 2022
  • IMatter - Maanya Dhar card

    We can all manifest a more just and inclusive world this Pride Month

    Blog by Oxfam
    17 June 2022
  • This Pride Month, Oxfam is celebrating Queer joy

    Queer joy: what it is and why we need more of it

    Blog by Oxfam
    31 May 2022
  • Power and Racism in the Workplace By Nishani Ford

    Power and racism in the workplace

    Blog by Nishani Ford
    12 March 2022
  • In the Middle East and North Africa region, already one of the most unequal in the world, billionaires saw their wealth increase by 23% during the pandemic.

    In a region brought to its knees, inequality kills

    Blog by Diana Kallas
    17 February 2022
  • Kadigueta Barry, 34, who fled the town of Barsalogho, in Burkina Faso, with her husband and four children, leaving everything behind.

    Development goes hand-in-hand with human mobility

    Blog by Evelien van Roemburg
    17 December 2021
  • Abu Ahmad, 70 years old. Abu Ahmad selling juice in the streets of Amman on a hot summer day to provide for his family.

    Narratives and their impact on inequality

    Blog by Diana Kallas
    2 December 2021
  • Nancy and her son sought urgent refuge at Oxfam partner, Lifeline, a community-based, non-government, organisation based in Papua New Guinea. after her husband assaulted her at his work.

    30 years and counting: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence even more important now in our Covid-19 world

    Blog by Oxfam
    25 November 2021
  • Pasoralist Fatuma pictured outside of her home in Tana River County, Madogo division, Kenya.

    Climate change turning Karamoja women, youth and children into beggars in East Africa

    Blog by Frank Lopeyok Mosky
    15 September 2021
  • The Festival to Fight Inequality, 2021

    Here is what you missed at The Festival to Fight Inequality, 2021

    Blog by Pablo Andrés Rivero M.
    27 August 2021
  • Large-scale sugar cane ethanol projects have resulted in serious environmental and social consequences for local populations in the Global South.

    Europe’s biofuels addiction is threatening human rights in Peru

    Blog by Oxfam België/Belgique
    3 August 2021
  • Malika la slameuse - Photo: Cissé Amadou/Oxfam

    Centering women’s voices in Covid-19 response and recovery

    Blog by Rosebell Kagumire, editor of African Feminism
    30 July 2021
  • Members of Mashan Rongyan Farmers’ Cooperative proudly showing their seeds during the pandemic, Yunnan, China.

    Plant biodiversity is key to ensuring farmers’ food and nutrition security in response to the Covid-19 crisis

    Blog by Gisella Cruz-Garcia and Bert Visser
    15 July 2021