Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked 153 of 169 countries (Human Development Index/UN 2010), with a population of over 13 million (2008 Census), and a per capita income of $911 in 2008-2009 (Human Development Report, UN 2010).
Malawi remains a donor dependant country. Over half of its population still live below the poverty line – earning less than $1 per day.
Oxfam in Malawi
Oxfam has worked in Malawi for over 20 years. We strive to help create a Malawi where Malawian women, men, girls and boys are more equal, have improved livelihoods and, as active citizens, have greater influence over the decisions that affect their lives.
We have four key areas of work:
- Governance: To support Malawian women, men and young people enjoy equitable and accessible public services and having influence on decisions that affect their lives.
- Livelihood resilience: To help Malawians, particularly women and youth have more sustainable livelihoods, be more economically empowered.
- Transformative women's leadership (TWL): To help Malawian women and girls enjoy lives free from violence and are active participants and leaders in their society.
- Humanitarian work: To ensure that Oxfam and its partners have the ability to quickly and effectively respond to meet the needs of people affected by humanitarian emergencies. As well as to help people recover and reduce future risks.
We strive to ensure that women are treated equally and empowered to succeed in all areas of our work.
We have high expectations and governance processes in place to enable Oxfam to deliver results and demonstrate accountability to the people and stakeholders with whom we work.