Oxfam aid is being flown out to world's worst cholera outbreak in Yemen The agency is calling for a massive aid effort and an immediate ceasefire to allow health and aid workers tackle the cholera outbreak.
EU leaders again offload responsibilites on migration Summit shows EU leaders set on an attempt to stop people moving – without offering real long-term solutions.
International community responding to Uganda's call for refugee solidarity Governments today pledged $352.6 million for refugees at the Uganda Solidarity Summit in Kampala.
Uganda needs more help in world’s fastest-growing refugee crisis Uganda is hosting the first Refugee Solidarity Summit on 22 and 23 June.
South Sudan: famine pushed back but more people hungry than ever before New IPC figures show that famine has been pushed back in South Sudan, but the food crisis continues to spread across the country and 6 million people are fac
One year on: EU’s approach to migration is failing The EU's partnership approach for working with African countries on managing migration has to date failed to provide safe and regular channels for migration
Record 65.6 million people displaced worldwide New UNHCR figures of globally displaced people show the pace of displacement has slowed - but that more people need support than ever before.
EU report on migration reveals shortcomings on key goals In response to the EU’s progress report on its Migration Partnership Framework, Oxfam says the bloc has failed to offer manageable and sustainable alternativ
Yemen cholera killing one person nearly every hour Oxfam is calling for an immediate ceasefire to allow health and aid workers tackle a runaway cholera epidemic that threatens the live
Thousands returning to Nigeria face life-threatening lack of water Thousands of displaced persons returning from Cameroon to Nigeria are facing appalling conditions on arrival in Pulka, says Oxfam.