Occupied Palestinian Territory: Fifty years of inaction and impunity must end The international community continues to turn a blind eye to Israel’s violations of international law and the abuse of human rights in the Occupied Palestini
European award for refugee and migrant solidarity campaign by Oxfam and Amnesty A touring exhibition by Oxfam and Amnesty International promoting solidarity with refugees and other migrants has received a prestigious European Excellence
EU budget: Don’t use development aid for controlling migration Plans for next year's EU budget mean that not the actual needs of people in developing countries will be addressed, but money will be spent on border securit
G7 goes AWOL under pressure: consensus crumbles at the expense of the world's poorest people G7 leaders in Taormina fail to tackle famine or the challenges of migration.
As world faces unprecedented famine threat G7 should pay up and push for peace G7 leaders meeting in Taormina, Sicily, this week should take the lead in fighting famine and immediately fund nearly half of the UN’s urgent appeal to avoid
Renewed violence in Central African Republic worsens humanitarian situation Oxfam warns of dire situation as 20,000 people are displaced in the city of Bria where humanitarian access is restricted due to the presence of armed gr
Wealth of five richest men in Nigeria could end extreme poverty in country yet 5 million face hunger The combined wealth of Nigeria’s five richest men - $29.9 billion - could end extreme poverty in that country according to a new report published by Ox
Yemen: Swift injection of funds is needed after capital hit by surge of new cholera cases A growing cholera crisis in Yemen that has already killed more than 120 people with 11,000 suspected cases could deteriorate rapidly unless donor governments
Oxfam helps Syrians to find safety without risking their lives at sea 60 Syrians, arriving in Italy today to seek asylum as part of a humanitarian visa programme, will be hosted by Oxfam in the Italian region of Tuscany.