Press releases

Read our latest news and stories on poverty & inequality, women’s rights, humanitarian issues and climate change. Journalists can contact our Global Media team for comments, interviews with our spokespeople and information about our work.

  • Civil society verdict on London Conference on Syria: ‘Now turn pledges into action'

    5 February 2016
  • Money for aid, though vital and welcome, will not solve the Syria crisis

    4 February 2016
  • Flatlining support for Syrians needs jolt at London conference

    1 February 2016
  • Ebola funds impossible to track

    31 January 2016
  • Millions at risk as Ethiopia suffers worst drought in a generation

    28 January 2016
  • Yemen on slow road to starvation

    28 January 2016
  • Urgent action needed as South Africa faces maize drop linked to ‘super’ El Nino

    28 January 2016