Policy Papers

We work on the ground with people living in poverty to make a practical difference, we gather evidence and share knowledge to show what works and what needs to change. From world leaders to multi-national corporations, we challenge opinions and change practices, locally and globally, to bring about lasting results.

Here you'll find a wide selection of reports and papers on the programming, advocacy and research that we undertake in order to achieve our aims. You can browse and download publications by topic and/or date.

Latest publications


  • father facing their poor village close to luxury apartments

    Redefining inclusive growth in Asia

    1 November 2017
  • A woman in Tsholotsho District in Zimbabwe is participating in a pilot project to develop drought-resistant crops and learn simple methods to effectively grow produce (2016). Photo: Sven Torfinn/Oxfam Novib.

    Financing women farmers

    12 October 2017
  • Dirty water in Kutupalong Camp Extension

    Great expectations: is the IMF turning words into action on inequality?

    10 October 2017
  • Hodan Abdi Mohammed, 45, has lost all of her six children and her husband during the drought in Somaliland. Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam

    From early warning to early action in Somalia

    1 October 2017
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    The distance that unites us: an overview of Brazilian inequalities

    24 September 2017
  • The Bitexco Financial Tower, framed by high rise flats and poor housing along the Saigon River in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Photo: Eleanor Farmer/Oxfam

    Oxfam’s Future of Business Initiative

    17 September 2017
  • Wolda Edward, helps cleaning his neighbour's after Cyclone Pam.

    Learning from hindsight: synthesis report on Oxfam resilience research

    14 September 2017
  • Aminata Jalloh, 26, Cash Grant Farmer- Katumbo (near Kabala Town). Photo: Tommy Trenchard/Oxfam

    Transparency is more than dollars and cents

    10 September 2017
  • Palm oil fruit, PT Adei plantation, Riau province, Sumatra, Indonesia (2014). Photo: Des Syafrizal/ Oxfam

    Pathways to deforestation-free food

    6 September 2017
  • Since the end of April 2017, Yemen has been experiencing its worst recorded outbreak of suspected cholera in a single year.

    Yemen: catastrophic cholera crisis

    15 August 2017
  • A computer classroom in Oneputa Combined School, northern Namibia. The Namibian government is committed to reducing inequality and secondary education is free for all students. Photo: John Hogg/World Bank

    The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index

    16 July 2017
  • Margaret Mumbua, 46, a domestic worker, heading to work from her house in the informal settlement of Mukuru kwa Reuben, Nairobi, Kenya. 2016. Photo: Allan Gichigi/Oxfam

    Making Tax Vanish

    13 July 2017
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    A Snapshot of Inequality

    10 July 2017
  • Jeffrey Tubi (49) strolling through his yellowed corn field. Photo: Sven Torfinn/Oxfam Novib

    Oxfam's analysis of the G20 Hamburg communique

    8 July 2017