Policy Papers

We work on the ground with people living in poverty to make a practical difference, we gather evidence and share knowledge to show what works and what needs to change. From world leaders to multi-national corporations, we challenge opinions and change practices, locally and globally, to bring about lasting results.

Here you'll find a wide selection of reports and papers on the programming, advocacy and research that we undertake in order to achieve our aims. You can browse and download publications by topic and/or date.

Latest publications


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    IFI energy investments in Bangladesh: a way forward to SDG 7

    20 May 2018
  • Protecting people across borders: NGO statement ahead of EU-Western Balkans Summit

    14 May 2018
  • While a minority of super-rich Kenyans are accumulating wealth and income, the fruits of economic growth are failing to trickle down to the poorest. Photo: Allan Gichigi/Oxfam

    Tax incentives in the global South

    9 May 2018
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    Climate Finance Shadow Report 2018

    2 May 2018
  • Africa Center for Energy Policy in Ghana interviews a government official regarding a project financed with oil revenues. Credit: George Osodi/Panos for Oxfam America

    Contract Disclosure Survey 2018

    2 May 2018
  • Los efectos de El Niño, unidos a los del cambio climático, pondrán a 60 millones de personas en riesgo de padecer hambre.

    Closing the divide in Malawi

    24 April 2018
  • A children's play park sits between the neighbourhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al Tabbaneh in Tripoli. Jabal Mohsen and Bab al Tabbaneh are among the most impoverished and neglected areas in Lebanon. Photo: Sam Tarling/Oxfam

    Making aid work in Lebanon

    4 April 2018