Policy Papers

We work on the ground with people living in poverty to make a practical difference, we gather evidence and share knowledge to show what works and what needs to change. From world leaders to multi-national corporations, we challenge opinions and change practices, locally and globally, to bring about lasting results.

Here you'll find a wide selection of reports and papers on the programming, advocacy and research that we undertake in order to achieve our aims. You can browse and download publications by topic and/or date.

Latest publications


  • Fathima gives her son a drink of clean water, provided by Oxfam , Ethiopia

    What will become of us: voices from around the world on drought and El Nino

    13 April 2016
  • A women participates in an Oxfam cash for work program after the Nepal Earthquake

    Women and the 1%

    11 April 2016
  • Photo Credit: Adam Patterson/Oxfam

    The IFC and tax havens

    10 April 2016
  • End tax havens!

    Tax transparency must go beyond EU

    4 April 2016
  • Syrian refugee children in Za'atari camp make the dove symbol of peace

    Resettling 10 percent of Syrian refugees

    29 March 2016
  • A mother and her children stand in the camp where they now live,  Bani Hassan, Yemen

    Yemen’s invisible food crisis

    24 March 2016
  • A Syrian refugee family sit in the tent where they now live, in an informal settlement, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon.

    Fuelling the Fire

    11 March 2016
  • A sister and brother mourn the death of their father, a cocao farmer, in Ivory Coast

    Women’s Rights in the Cocoa Sector

    10 March 2016