Policy Papers

We work on the ground with people living in poverty to make a practical difference, we gather evidence and share knowledge to show what works and what needs to change. From world leaders to multi-national corporations, we challenge opinions and change practices, locally and globally, to bring about lasting results.

Here you'll find a wide selection of reports and papers on the programming, advocacy and research that we undertake in order to achieve our aims. You can browse and download publications by topic and/or date.

Latest publications


  • Oxfam Input to the World Bank Gender Strategy Consultation

    20 August 2015
  • Louise holds a jerry-can full of clean water in Buporo camp, Eastern Congo. Louise lives next to a tap-stand provided by Oxfam. It is one of four tap-stands in Buporo camp, which supply close to 4000 people with clean water.

    Humanitarian Key Facts

    18 August 2015
  • Oxfam Sense Making Exercise for a Selection of Evaluations 2013-2014

    11 August 2015
  • Maize growing alongside an irrigation channel, Ruti area in Gutu Province, Zimbabwe, January 2012. Photo: Ruby Wright/Oxfam

    Beyond Good Intentions

    10 August 2015
  • Somali women talking

    Somali Solutions

    31 July 2015
  • Oxfam volunteer delivering latrines in Nepal, one of 500 volunteers trained to react in the event of an earthquake. Photo: Aubrey Wade/Oxfam

    Turning the Humanitarian System on its Head

    26 July 2015
  • A warning sign, Sadiola Hill Gold Mine, western Mali; August 2006. Photo: Brett Eloff

    Community Consent Index 2015

    22 July 2015