G20 leaders met for the second time in London on 2 April, as the global economic crisis began to crash across the borders of poor countries with ever-greater severity.
This joint report by the Refugee Council and Oxfam is one of the first to look at how family reunion and ongoing forced separation from loved ones affect the ability of refugees to successfully integrate into UK society.
Oxfam response to the Special Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (laun
After this week’s protests following the announcement of the results from the first round of the Presidential elections, Saturday and Sunday have been relatively calm.
Oxfam is concerned that the progress in fighting hunger is slowing down. We must not lose sight of the fact that in 2015 there are still 795 million people not getting enough to eat in a world of plenty. This is unjust and inexcusable.
Oxfam is deeply disappointed by Japan’s lack of ambition. Setting a draft target of 26% emissions reduction below 2013 levels (18% below 1990 levels) by 2030 is woefully inadequate.
The number of Syrian refugees registered in neighboring countries has hit the 4 million mark, announced the UNHCR today. Oxfam says it is more than time for governments to step-up the relief effort.
G20 Finance Ministers must support more fundamental reforms to the global tax system as part of their plans to deliver sustainable economic growth said Oxfam today.
The World Bank is forecasting that, for the first time ever, the number of people living in extreme poverty will fall under 10% of the world's population, to around 702 million people.