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Displaying results 1211 - 1220 of 1873
Sapek village where the road is being rebuilt and an Oxfam funded JCB does the work. Lamno, Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia

In the Wake of the Tsunami

26 December 2009

Quick Impact, Quick Collapse

26 January 2010
Louise holds a jerry-can full of clean water in Buporo camp, Eastern Congo. Louise lives next to a tap-stand provided by Oxfam. It is one of four tap-stands in Buporo camp, which supply close to 4000 people with clean water.

Humanitarian Key Facts

18 August 2015

Salt in the Wound

10 December 2012
Opening the Vaults: The use of tax havens by Europe’s biggest banks

Opening the vaults

27 March 2017
End tax havens!

Tax transparency must go beyond EU

4 April 2016
Ganga Poudel, a member of the Pavrita Co-operative, carries foilage cut from a tree nearby her home to feed livestock. Photo credit: Aubrey Wade

Europe must lead by example on sustainable development

6 June 2016