climate change

  • Marjory at the community hall holding millet, Zimbabwe

    Our seeds: lessons from the drought

    15 December 2016
  • European Commission puts biofuel industry ahead of people and planet

    30 November 2016
  • Noaga Ouèda, a 52-year-old farmer, lives with her 8 children and another 17 relatives in the community of Kario, Burkina Faso.

    Climate change in Burkina Faso: fighting through hell and high water

    25 November 2016
  • Fati Marmoussa, 26, lives with her 3 children and other 7 members of her family in Tafgo village, Burkina Faso. Foto: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

    5 things you need to know about climate change and hunger

    8 November 2016
  • Dust blows through a camp for IDPs in Bisle Siti zone. A devastating drought is causing the worst food crisis to hit Ethiopia in 30 years putting millions of people at risk of hunger and disease. Photo credit: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam

    Climate Finance Shadow Report 2016

    3 November 2016
  • Saibi Mrisho (33) prepares to make charcoal by stacking wood, covering it with leaves and earth and slow burning it over 3 days. Photo credit: Aubrey Wade/Oxfam

    Burning land, burning the climate

    25 October 2016
  • Climate change funding roadmap welcome, but leaves plenty of room for improvement

    17 October 2016