
  • Before the 2020 locust infestation, Fatuma’s household was stable. However, the locust came and ate all of her livestock’s pastureland.

    The inequality crisis in East Africa

    9 February 2022
  • Mako and her husband Mahamud are pastoralist farmers living in the Somali region of Ethiopia.

    Inequality kills

    17 January 2022
  • Abu Ahmad, 70 years old. Abu Ahmad selling juice in the streets of Amman on a hot summer day to provide for his family.

    Narratives and their impact on inequality

    Blog by Diana Kallas
    2 December 2021
  • Florence and her husband both lost their jobs during the pandemic in Benin.

    The West Africa inequality crisis: fighting austerity and the pandemic

    14 October 2021
  • G7 global corporate tax deal is far from fair: Oxfam

    5 June 2021
  • Nuvis is 64 years old. She has been selling coffee and cigarettes in front of the Port of Maracaibo, Venezuela.

    The Inequality Virus

    25 January 2021
  • Supporting fair tax systems

    30 April 2020
  • Clarice Akinyi washes clothes in Mashimoni village, Nairobi, Kenya. Photo: Katie G. Nelson/Oxfam

    Time to care

    20 January 2020
  • Banana farmers, Thanh Van hamlet, Mai Lap commune, Cho Moi district, Bac Kan province, Vietnam

    Financing for development in Vietnam

    25 October 2019