World Bank

  • World Bank discontinues problematic Doing Business report: Oxfam reaction

    16 September 2021
  • Oxfam’s position paper on IDA20 replenishment

    16 June 2021
  • Failure to vaccinate globally could cost up to $2,000 per person this year in rich nations

    6 April 2021
  • Nishi Stephen, a staff nurse at a primary health clinic in Bihar state, eastern India. Photo: Atul Loke, Panos/Oxfam

    From catastrophe to catalyst

    4 December 2020
  • Oxfam reaction to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

    14 October 2020
  • IMF paves way for new era of austerity post-COVID-19

    12 October 2020
  • Why the World Bank should be calling for a People's vaccine

    30 September 2020
  • Oxfam reaction to G20 Finance Ministers Meeting communiqué

    18 July 2020