
  • The Shining Mothers from Kenya are doing their bit to demand an economy that works for everyone, not just the few.

    An economy for the 99%

    16 January 2017
  • The world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies are cheating women and girls out of the chance to beat poverty.

    Prescription for poverty

    17 September 2018
  • Human suffering should never be an ingredient in the food we eat. Take action and help us uncover what is hidden behind the price of the food we buy.

    About the campaign

    20 June 2018
  • captura_de_pantalla_2018-01-19_a_las_02.57.33.png

    Reward work, not wealth

    22 January 2018
  • In the wake of the Panama Papers scandal in 2016, tax campaigners turned London's Trafalgar Square into a tropical tax haven, putting pressure on world leaders to take action on tax dodging. Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam

    Stopping the Scandals: five ways governments can end tax avoidance

    8 November 2017
  • In South Sudan, Oxfam trained producers in good cultivation, storage and marketing techniques. Elizabeth is now cultivating new vegetables. “With the money I make, I can send my children to school and pay for healthcare” she says. Photo: Tim Bierley/Oxfam

    Empowering women farmers to end hunger and poverty

    12 October 2017
  • Hoan works in a farment factory in North Vietnam, where she works on average 62 hours each week, earning around $1 an hour.

    Why the majority of the world’s poor are women

    2 March 2017