What we believe

Christina, 23, lives in Tambalug (Ghana). She grows maize and she was shown how to make compost as part of the CRAFS (Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems) program. Credit: Nana Kofi Acquah/Oxfam

Who we are

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting injustice for a more equal world. We are working across regions in 79 countries, with thousands of partners and allies, supporting communities to build better lives for themselves, grow resilience and protect lives and livelihoods also in times of crisis.

Because we want lasting solutions, we fight the inequalities that keep people locked in poverty and injustice, we tackle not the symptoms but the systems, and we campaign for genuine, durable change.

Towards a just and sustainable world

We have a vision of a just and sustainable world. A world where people and the planet are at the center of our economy. Where women and girls live free from violence and discrimination. Where the climate crisis is contained. And where governance systems are inclusive and allow for those in power to be held to account.

Our ambition is lasting impact. We make a difference by being part of a global movement for social justice.

What we believe in

We believe in the power of people.

Change at scale is possible when we act in solidarity with the people experiencing poverty and injustice. Even where they live in need, they are often not afraid to speak out against inequality, discrimination and exclusion. They have the courage to raise their voices and hold those in power to account for their actions.

Millions worldwide are mobilizing. They are not fighting separate battles but connecting across borders in solidarity and creating a momentum that can no longer be ignored. They are the changemakers who will win the fight against inequality. They are the ones who will beat poverty and injustice.

We offer them support to help relieve their suffering. We champion their causes and act together to transform lives and create change that lasts.

Students of the Child Club at the high school in a village in Nepalgunj district, Nepal, where OXFAM partner SAC is working in gender transformation to protect & empower girls, promote inclusive education, and a reduction in child marriage & violence against women.

Our mission

We fight inequality to end poverty and injustice.

Our values

We commit to living our values so that we can be known for our integrity. This means transforming our governance, management, and operational structures, and nurturing a culture of continuous learning and reflection.

We understand that how we work is as important as what we work on.

We acknowledge and seek to expand people’s agency over their lives and the decisions that impact them.

We embrace diversity and difference and value the perspectives and contributions of all people and communities in their fight against poverty and injustice.

We take responsibility for our action and inaction and hold ourselves accountable to the people we work with and for.

We believe everyone has the right to be treated fairly and to have the same rights and opportunities.

We join hands, support, and collaborate across boundaries in working towards a just and sustainable world.

We speak truth to power and act with conviction on the justice of our causes.

Paulina Sibanda sits with her daughter Tafara* (9) outside their home in Zvishevane region, Zimbabwe. Credit:Aurelie Marrier d'Unienville/Oxfam

Paulina Sibanda sits with her daughter Tafara outside their home in Zvishevane region, Zimbabwe. Paulina is a project participant of the Oxfam We-Care project and received a fuel-efficient wood stove and as well as a solar panel. Credit: Aurelie Marrier d'Unienville/Oxfam

What we stand for

We are committed to working with others as part of a global movement for social justice. We understand that inequality is multi-dimensional, and mobilize to transform unjust systems.  

We advocate for just and fairer economies. We strive for gender justice and for the rights of women and girls in all their diversity. We fight for climate justice and create safe spaces that allow people to hold the powerful into account. Rooted in communities, we tackle the causes and consequences of disaster and conflict.

To create change that lasts, we build on our experience as a diverse and inter-dependent global network of organizations.

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We are rights-based

Our work is grounded in our commitment to the universality of human rights. We uphold and advocate for the implementation of international human rights instruments.

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We are feminist

We recognize that there is no economic, social, and environmental justice without gender justice. Feminist principles guide all our action and interaction.

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We fight inequality

We take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere, working with people, communities, partners and allies for just and sustainable solutions.

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We are humanitarian

We work with communities before, during, and after crises to build their resilience, save lives, and together address the root causes of conflict and disaster.

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We are both local and global

We are a global network of locally rooted, interdependent civil society organizations. We build solidarity and connect people across borders and regions.

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We are driven by diversity

Within Oxfam and in our work with others, we are inspired by people of different socio-cultural backgrounds, genders, ages, and abilities.

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We are a knowledge organization

We consistently seek to generate new insights that can drive solutions to complex problems. Our advocacy and campaigning asks are grounded in evidence and experience.