Campaigning for Climate Justice
The climate crisis is here and now, already wrecking the lives of millions of people worldwide. Every day, the devastating impacts of climate change are being felt. And not equally. The richest people are plundering the planet and polluting for profit while the rest of us suffer. People living in poverty, who did the least to cause the crisis, are suffering the most. Discrimination means that it’s often women who pay the highest price. Young people everywhere are seeing their futures stolen.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. A more equal world is possible. One where any of us at risk from the climate crisis have what we need to survive extreme weather and build sustainable futures for generations to come.
So while emissions rise, so must we, standing alongside climate activists to build a better world that cares for people and the planet.

Climate change is doing irreversible harm to people and our planet. The major culprits, fossil fuel corporations and the world's super-rich, are accumulating huge profits and great fortunes while ordinary people bear the devastating consequences.
The Make Rich Polluters Pay Campaign is demanding accountability from the major polluters who are responsible for the climate crisis. We need to tax the richest polluters, generating billions to fight climate change, support communities most affected by the crisis, and build a fairer future.
Join the campaign: https://makerichpolluterspay.org/
Past Campaigns

Elizabeth Wathuti Climate Justice Open Letter
The Elizabeth Wathuti Climate Justice Open Letter, written by Kenyan climate activist and Founder of Green Generation Initiative, Elizabeth Wathuti, targeted world leaders during the November 2021 UN climate negotiations (COP27). The letter focused on the disproportionate impact of climate change on communities least responsible for the crisis. The letter demanded climate justice, highlighting the need to address the loss and damage experienced by these vulnerable communities due to the actions of the rich polluters. It urged for the establishment of a dedicated finance facility to aid frontline communities in coping with the challenges of loss and damage caused by climate change.
Thank you to the incredible 141,509 of you who signed Elizabeth Wathuti’s letter – demanding Climate Justice for those suffering the worst effects of the climate crisis but who have done the least to cause it.
To read more on this: https://actions.oxfam.org/great-britain/climate-justice-solidarity/petition/
Africa Climate Caravans
The Africa climate caravans were a virtual “road show” designed to impel stakeholder voices cross-country to share the African narrative and communicate the needs of Africa among its inhabitants and the global community. It included a series of events with decision-makers across Africa to support them in holding the biggest polluters accountable for their actions. The Caravans represent a plea for climate justice, advocating for those who bear the least responsibility for climate change but are the most affected.
Take the Caravan Tour: https://i.micr.io/qCFaU/en/climate-caravans-map-jpg

World Climate March
To coincide with the COP26 UN Climate Summit happening in Glasgow, UK, Oxfam, and partners ran a virtual action around climate justice. Due to the COVID-19 situation and differing vaccine rollouts then, it was unlikely that large numbers of people would be able to travel to Glasgow to participate in marches. Therefore, there was a need for large-scale public mobilisation hence the online campaign action to mobilise people around the world to take part in the World Climate March. Through the virtual campaign, people would be encouraged to participate by virtually joining the climate march by leaving their name and email address on a microsite. After that, they would be asked to film their march and to make it make it their own by use of costumes, placards etc. This project was run by Oxfam but rolled out with partners globally to ensure a wide range of young people’s voices were heard.
Every day, the devastating impacts of climate change are being felt. And not equally. The richest people are plundering the planet and polluting for profit while others suffer. People living in poverty, who did the least to cause the crisis, suffer the most. #Climate Changers is a global movement, that stands in solidarity with those on the frontline of climate chaos, confronting those causing damage and driving suffering. The movement fights injustice, engaging individuals and organizations worldwide, saving lives, and pressuring governments to act.
To read more on this and know how to be part of #Climate Changers : https://www.oxfam.org/en/take-action/campaigns/climate