Oxfam's vision is a just world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions which affect their lives, enjoy rights and assume responsibilities as citizens of an equal world. Underpinned by a strategic plan, Oxfam commits to achieving six strategic goals:
- The Right to be Heard
- Gender Justice
- Saving Lives, Now and in the Future
- Sustainable Food
- Fair Sharing of Natural Resources
- Finance for Development and Universal Essential Services
Oxfam works with communities in the Horn, East and Central Africa (HECA) to achieve these goals and attain our vision.
Although the year 2014/15 had its fair share of challenges, such as conflict and unpredictable weather patterns, the communities we work with continue to inspire us with their resilience. This document highlights our work in each of the HECA countries in 201/15 and includes a financial report.