Joint Statement by humanitarian, development and human rights organisations in Lebanon: We need a Permanent Ceasefire and a Just Recovery

Published: 30th January 2025

We, the undersigned organisations operating in Lebanon, urgently call on parties to abide by their commitments towards a permanent ceasefire in Lebanon and appeal to the international community to ensure the respect and full implementation of the temporary ceasefire agreement, now being extended until February 18th 2025.

While the temporary ceasefire remains in effect and has been extended, we express deep concern about the numerous reported violations that continue to weaken the agreement. Over 800 violations by Israeli forces[1] and at least one violation by Hezbollah[2] have been reported. As of January 23, 2025 violations by Israeli forces have included indiscriminate ground and air attacks, killing at least 30 people, since November 27, 2024, bringing the total number of people killed by Israeli forces since October 8, 2023 to 4,285, including 241 health care workers, and 17,200 wounded[3]. On Sunday January 26, 2025, alone, Israeli military forces killed 24 individuals, including six women and a Lebanese soldier, and injured 134 including 12 children in the South of Lebanon[4]. Thousands of people, including women and children, older people and people with disabilities have been uprooted from their homes, cut off from food, healthcare and education and exposed to hugely traumatic events - with, so far, no accountability for the destruction or indiscriminate killing.

This agreement represents a step towards implementing UN Security Resolution 1701 and included a “phased withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces south of the Blue Line and the parallel deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) south of the Litani river” that “should not exceed 60 days”.[5] There is still an opportunity to transform temporary undertakings into longer term commitments.

While many are attempting to return to their homes, hundreds of thousands of people still face the grim reality of either not being able to return because of ongoing Israeli forces’ ground occupation or because of the scale of destruction. Israeli forces have razed entire villages and destroyed agricultural lands and vital infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. Lands are contaminated by unexploded ordnance posing threats to life and risks for the reconstruction efforts.

As human rights and humanitarian organisations, we will continue supporting all affected people with emergency assistance, recovery and reconstruction[6], but the humanitarian crisis remains severe. Plans for recovery and reconstruction have begun amidst a lingering socio-economic crisis and skyrocketing poverty rates, with nearly one Third of children in Lebanon facing crisis levels of hunger[7]. The economic losses due to the conflict are estimated at 8.5 billion USD[8], and Lebanon desperately needs support for its recovery. The consequences of this destruction will be felt in Lebanon for years to come, and yet again, with no accountability.

As humanitarian and human rights organisations involved in the immediate relief, early recovery and reconstruction efforts in Lebanon, we urgently call for:

  1. Immediate, Unconditional and Definitive Ceasefire in Lebanon and the Region:
  • The international community to take every step possible, including through diplomatic and political leverage, to ensure an immediate and definitive ceasefire in Lebanon. The temporary and conditional agreement must allow for a transition to a permanent ceasefire.
  • The international community must also ensure the respect and implementation  of the pause in hostilities in Gaza and an end to excessive use of force in the West Bank, acknowledging that this is essential to protect civilians and prevent further escalation and regional spillover.


  1. Unconditional Humanitarian Access and Scaling Up Assistance:
  • Ensure rapid, unhindered access to conflict-affected areas and safeguard humanitarian facilities and personnel across the country.
  • Fully fund the humanitarian flash appeal to address the acute needs across Lebanon to enable the provision of immediate, flexible funding for gender, age and disability responsive humanitarian responses, including cash assistance, safe shelter, and healthcare.
  • Support reconstruction efforts through grants, not loans, and fund early warning and early action and anticipatory action to mitigate further shocks.


  1. Inclusive Recovery Focusing on Social Cohesion:
  • Address the needs of Lebanese citizens, Syrian and Palestinian refugees, and migrant workers without discrimination.
  • Ensure the response is gender-responsive, child sensitive providing services for women and girls such as health services and services for survivors of gender-based violence, including sexual violence.
  • Promote reconciliation through rehabilitation frameworks, awareness campaigns, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), and community-building initiatives.
  • Support communities across all districts of Lebanon to get the essential support they need.


  1. Supporting Local and National NGOs in Response Planning and Implementation:
  • Increase financial and logistical support to local and national NGOs[9], including women's rights and women-led organizations, and ensure these are at the forefront of responding to the crisis and receive direct, timely and flexible funding to meet growing needs.


  1. Halt the Transfer of Arms to Conflict Parties:
  • Suspend immediately the transfer of all weapons, parts, munitions, and ammunition to parties to the armed conflict when there is a risk they might be used to commit or facilitate violations of IHL and IHRL and other further grave violations in Lebanon and the region.


  1. Accountability and Respect for International Law:
  • Ensure adherence to IHL and IHRL by all parties including Third State parties, and immediately end all ongoing violations against civilians and civilian infrastructure, in the framework of the agreed ceasefire.
  • The international community must support independent investigations of past and ongoing violations of international humanitarian law to ensure accountability for violations and crimes against civilians, particularly children, address  impunity, and deter future violations. This must include holding perpetrators to account. Accountability is not only a legal obligation but a foundation for strengthening the rule of law and respect for international law.
  • The international community must establish an international investigative mechanism to address human rights violations committed during the armed conflict, aligning with the appeal from several human rights organisations[10]
  • Strengthen monitoring and reporting mechanisms for grave violations against children, including through capacity-sharing with local civil society actors.


There is cautious optimism following recent political developments, including the appointments of both President and Prime Minister. However, meaningful international support is critical to fulfill the aspirations of the people in Lebanon for sustainable peace and justice. It is the persistent failure to seek accountability for violations that has fuelled cycles of violence now affecting the entire region. The time for action is now to ensure a just recovery and lasting peace in Lebanon and the region.


  1. The Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH)
  2. WeWorld
  3. American Friends Service Committee
  4. Euromed Rights Network
  5. Oxfam
  6. Islamic relief
  7. Save the Children
  8. Médecins du monde (MdM)
  9. Badil | The Alternative Policy Institute
  10. CCFD - Terre Solidaire
  11. Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
[6] Such as multi-purpose cash, WASH, Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods, nutrition, cash assistance, shelter,protection and Mine Action, and deliver child-centred protection services, emergency education interventions for children and integrated mental health and psychosocial support services)
[7],in%20the%20past%20three%20months. See also IPC figures: 
[9] Through the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund for instance.
[10] &