As more and more people around the world are facing lack of safety due to the compounded effects of climate and economic crises, wars, pandemics and other factors. LGBTQIA+ people are among the social groups that lack safety even in the times of peace!
This LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, Oxfam calls to #ProtectThePride
Safety is a basic human right, that every person, irrespective of their origin and characteristics, is entitled to enjoy. More and more people around the world are facing lack of safety due to the compounded effects of economic and climate crises, wars, pandemics and other factors. Yet, LGBTQIA+ people are among the social groups that lack safety even in the times of peace.
Queer Safety Affirmations Cards

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Safety of LGBTQIA+ people is being compromised at every level – from hate groups preying on queer people online and offline, to governments that introduce laws that target LGBTQIA+ people’s mere right to exist and exercise their human rights; from media that spreads harmful stereotypes that dehumanize and endanger LGBTQIA+ people to individuals, groups and institutions that commit violence against people simply because of their gender and sexuality.
Despite these harsh realities, LGBTQIA+ communities continue to organize, attract supporters and celebrate Pride. In 2021, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, 107 countries across the world marked Pride.
Why is it important?
As a global movement against inequality, we can’t ignore the cruel backdrop against which LGBTQIA+ people continue marking Pride. Oxfam believes that a more equal and just world is only possible when people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions have agency over their lives and can receive protection in the times of crises. Because none of us are safe until all of us are safe.
This June, we call to #ProtectThePride. This campaign is our opportunity to bring the spotlight to the lack of safety of LGBTQIA+ across the world and to #TakePride in best global practices that contribute to availing more protections and safety to LGBTQIA+ people. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on the social media if you’re interested to take part in the campaign!
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Previous Pride campaigns
In a world drowning in wars, famines and other crises, it’s easy to forget about things that propel justice and equality. June is widely marked across the globe as a Pride month, or a month-long celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community and commemoration of their struggle for equal rights and justice. We say “widely”, and not “universally” - because although LGBTQIA+ people live in every country and are part of different religious, ethnic and cultural communities, their existence and equal rights are not yet universally recognized.
In 2021, for the second time, LGBTQIA+ Pride month unfolds amidst the sweeping backdrop of a global Covid-19 pandemic. This devastating crisis has not only exacted a toll of millions of lives but has also exacerbated pre-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities. The LGBTQIA+ communities across the globe have keenly felt its profound impact. To mark Pride this year, the Enough campaign chose to pass the mic to queer artists to share their experiences of Pride amidst the pandemic, and their reflections on what can make the post-pandemic world a better place for LGBTQIA+ people. See this piece by Willy Montero from Bolivia other art pieces and artist testimonials on the Say Enough Campaign.
Everyone has their own definition of queer joy – for some, it’s about putting on a blue eyeliner or attending a drag performance, for others – it's about walking hand in hand with a same-sex partner or celebrating a transition anniversary. This Pride Month we partnered with artists and activists from different corners of the world, who speak about gender justice and inclusion, to share our take on queer joy.