History will be made today at the United Nations as many governments sign an Arms Trade Treaty designed to protect millions living in daily fear of armed violence.
Governments from over 190 member states have a second chance to make history this month by agreeing the first ever Arms Trade Treaty, a coalition of NGOs and human rights groups said today.
The Arms Trade Treaty is a powerful tool in helping prevent weapons transfers to government security forces where there is a likelihood that they will be used to seriously violate international human rights and humanitarian law.
Arms traffickers can too easily navigate the patchwork of national arms regulations, fuelling conflict while avoiding arrest and extradition, because countries have been too weak or reluctant to pass an international arms trade treaty, says international agency Oxfam.
States must use every available minute to draw up a new international arms treaty that could save thousands of lives every year, NGOs from around the world said today as negotiators from 192 governments begin formal talks at the United Nations on Monday.