Banco Mundial
4 October 2012
Land sold off in last decade could grow enough food to feed a billion people
4 October 2012 -
Oxfam calls for greater scrutiny of hedge funds and banks used to finance development
18 April 2012 -
Oxfam reaction: Jim Yong Kim the new World Bank president
16 April 2012 -
Investigation into Uganda “land grab” must be genuinely independent and transparent
4 October 2011 -
G20 should ensure recovery fights poverty
10 November 2010 -
Oxfam verdict on the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Annual Meetings
9 October 2010 -
The UN must lead way at World Food Summit to cut the 24,000 deaths each day from hunger
15 November 2009 -
$280bn bailout for poor need not cost ordinary taxpayers any more money
3 September 2009 -
Bank bailout could end poverty for 50 years – Oxfam tells G20
1 April 2009