16 January 2023
A billionaire emits a million times more greenhouse gases than the average person
7 November 2022 -
Two-weeks increase in food billionaires’ wealth enough to fully fund East Africa hunger crisis response
17 July 2022 -
Pandemic creates new billionaire every 30 hours — now a million people could fall into extreme poverty at same rate in 2022
23 May 2022 -
“Terrifying prospect” of over a quarter of a billion more people crashing into extreme levels of poverty and suffering this year
12 April 2022 -
Some governments contemplating raids on aid funds earmarked for other crises to pay for new costs of Ukrainian support
18 March 2022 -
COVID-19 death toll four times higher in lower-income countries than rich ones
3 March 2022 -
Over 100 millionaires call for wealth taxes on the richest to raise revenue that could lift billions out of poverty
19 January 2022 -
Ten richest men double their fortunes in pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall
17 January 2022 -
Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna making $1,000 profit every second while world’s poorest countries remain largely unvaccinated
16 November 2021