25 October 2016
Hurricane Matthew: International community must respond now to prevent more loss of life
10 October 2016 -
Devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew is likely to worsen - Oxfam calls for immediate international action
7 October 2016 -
Cholera cases multiply as cost of clean water skyrockets in South Sudan capital: Oxfam
12 July 2015 -
Cholera outbreak in South Sudan is wake up call to government and aid agencies
24 June 2015 -
Aid delivered as cholera confirmed among Burundian refugees in Tanzania
20 May 2015 -
Oxfam reaction on confirmed cases of cholera in Juba, South Sudan
16 May 2014 -
DRC: North Kivu region of Masisi faces growing insecurity and threat of cholera
8 February 2013 -
Humanitarian suffering set to worsen across eastern Congo following fall of Goma
22 November 2012 -
Haiti dodges eye of storm, but camp dwellers still at risk from flooding and cholera
25 August 2012