climate crisis

  • Oxfam reaction to UN report on adaptation finance

    2 November 2023
  • Economists, activists and millionaires register landmark ‘European Citizens’ Initiative’ calling for a European wealth tax on the richest 1%

    8 June 2023
  • Oxfam: G7 has failed the Global South in Hiroshima

    20 May 2023
  • Oxfam reaction to IPCC’s Synthesis Report (SYR)

    20 March 2023
  • Climate NGOs take unprecedented legal action against number one European financier of fossil fuel expansion, BNP Paribas

    26 October 2022
  • In an IDP camp at the outskirts of Garowe, some different families have found shelter after they had to leave their homes because of the ongoing drought.

    The cost of neglect: half a million people across East Africa on the brink of famine

    18 May 2022