COP 21 Paris
20 November 2015
Celebrities join #eyesonParis climate campaign for Oxfam
5 November 2015 -
Current climate pledges take world from 4°C catastrophe to 3°C disaster
29 October 2015 -
Oxfam response to Bonn Intercessionals climate negotiations
23 October 2015 -
Finance ministers in Lima agree to scale up climate funds, but not for the poorest
9 October 2015 -
Entering uncharted waters: El Niño and the threat to food security
30 September 2015 -
Super El Niño and climate change cause crop failures putting millions at risk of hunger
30 September 2015 -
South Africa commits to cap emissions through to 2030; climate finance is key
25 September 2015 -
EU could triple inputs to Green Climate Fund by using Emission Trading Scheme revenues
18 September 2015 -
Rich countries provided 20% of funds for Copenhagen finance goal - scaling up is vital for Paris
28 June 2015