13 June 2021
Earth Day Summit must catalyze global climate action
21 April 2021 -
Oxfam's initial analysis of the Paris Agreement
13 December 2015 -
World leaders’ words need to be turned into action at COP21
30 November 2015 -
Impacts of Low Aggregate INDCs Ambition
25 November 2015 -
Delays in cutting emissions set to cost developing countries hundreds of billions of dollars more
25 November 2015 -
Game-Changers in the Paris Climate Deal
25 November 2015 -
Danone’s approach to climate change leaves sour taste
20 November 2015 -
Coal is a dinosaur technology, says Oxfam, as World Coal Association meets
17 November 2015 -
Paris climate summit showing green shoots of international cooperation
19 October 2015