EU migration
2 July 2020
Greece’s new asylum system designed to deport, not protect, warn the Greek Council for Refugees and Oxfam
1 July 2020 -
Massive number of rejections in Greece deny people fair asylum process, Oxfam and GCR say
19 May 2020 -
Four years into EU-Turkey deal, suffering has reached unimaginable levels
17 March 2020 -
Oxfam reaction to situation at the Greek border with Turkey
2 March 2020 -
EU aid increasingly taken hostage by migration politics
29 January 2020 -
People seeking protection in Greece denied a fair asylum process – new Oxfam and Greek Council for Refugees report
6 December 2019 -
Malta migration meeting is a positive first step
23 September 2019 -
Pregnant women, children and survivors of torture abandoned in Greek camps as screening system breaks down
9 January 2019 -
EU leaders must stop offloading responsibility on migration onto other countries
20 September 2018