The European Commission announced today a significant boost of €80 million for immediate humanitarian needs in flood-hit Pakistan. This doubles the contribution of the EU’s executive arm to €150 million, and places it as the most generous donor after Saudi Arabia, the US and the UK.
Kristalina Georgieva, European Humanitarian Commissioner, today visited Pakistan to see the effect of the devastating floods on the country. More than 17 million people are now affected by the floods – in an area that now constitutes the world's largest freshwater lake.
Oxfam welcomes the action plan put forward today by the European Commission for the EU to catch up on its commitments towards the Millennium Development Goals. Member states must give their go-ahead at the EU summit in June.
Oxfam welcomes the new European Commission proposals for advancing climate talks. However, while the EC has highlighted emissions reduction loopholes in the Copenhagen Accord, it has ignored major loopholes on climate finance.