European Union
22 May 2013
Tax on the “private” billions now stashed away in havens enough to end extreme world poverty twice over
21 May 2013 -
EU Finance Ministers fail to take bold stance on tax dodging
14 May 2013 -
Lack of new concrete EU commitments risks climate finance falling off a cliff
13 November 2012 -
Oxfam: Ahead of Doha talks, Europe must plug looming climate finance gap
25 October 2012 -
European Tax Commissioner opens the way to an historical decision on the FTT
23 October 2012 -
European Commission proposal on biofuels shortchanges the poor and the climate
17 October 2012 -
Oxfam reaction to EU Development Ministers’ conclusions on social protection for the world’s poor
15 October 2012 -
The Hunger Grains
17 September 2012 -
Oxfam reaction to EU biofuels policy breaking news
11 September 2012