
  • Oxfam to increase its emergency relief efforts in Sri Lanka flooding and landslides

    23 May 2016
  • Sri Lanka landslide and flooding - Oxfam launches aid effort

    18 May 2016
  • Oxfam Sense Making Exercise for a Selection of Evaluations 2013-2014

    11 August 2015
  • Champa (22) is standing in her parent's house which has been vanished overnight during cyclone Bulbul. Ramzannagar, Sathkhira.

    5 natural disasters that beg for climate action

    14 November 2013
  • Oxfam India to provide emergency assistance in Uttrakhand

    25 June 2013
  • Pakistan 2012 Monsoon Floods

    28 February 2013
  • Oxfam marks 60 years of working in India

    23 September 2012