18 May 2022
The hunger virus multiplies: deadly recipe of conflict, Covid-19 and climate accelerate world hunger
9 July 2021 -
A climate in crisis
26 April 2017 -
Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine
21 April 2017 -
Famine in South Sudan: communities at breaking point
7 April 2017 -
Food security in South Sudan: Oxfam response to the release of the latest Integrated Phase Classification (IPC)
5 February 2015 -
South Sudan: aid agencies warn of famine next year as upsurge in fighting imminent
6 October 2014 -
Aid effort to avert South Sudan famine in jeopardy
9 July 2014 -
New survey reveals Somalia’s food crisis remains critical and likely to worsen in coming months
8 October 2012 -
Bonnie Wright travels to Senegal to meet families affected by the food crisis in West Africa
5 August 2012