
  • The world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies are cheating women and girls out of the chance to beat poverty.

    Prescription for poverty

    17 September 2018
  • Felicia Ayaawin draws water from the well Oxfam’s partner installed near her home in Kpatua.

    Oxfam’s solar energy project lights up a rural village in Ghana

    31 May 2018
  • Joint INGO Statement for the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

    3 April 2018
  • While a minority of super-rich Kenyans are accumulating wealth and income, the fruits of economic growth are failing to trickle down to the poorest.

    Kenya: extreme inequality in numbers

    5 December 2017
  • High school students Mamadou Thioye (19), at left, and Aisha* (16). Both are participants in the 'Connecting 4 Life' program.

    Scaling up sexuality education for young people in Senegal

    2 June 2017
  • The CDCs / women's groups are the primary tool in the Raising Her Voice programme.

    Evaluation of the My Rights My Voice program

    25 August 2016