13 November 2018
Corporate support for disclosing oil and mining deals is improving but more work needed to turn words into reality
2 May 2018 -
Contract Disclosure Survey 2018
2 May 2018 -
The weak link
15 April 2016 -
Oil, gas and mining transparency initiative facing crisis of relevance and legitimacy: Oxfam
23 February 2016 -
Oxfam's Work on Mining, Oil, Gas and Poverty
7 December 2015 -
Global mining companies improve policies on Community Consent, while oil and gas lag
23 July 2015 -
Oxfam’s to-do list for President Obama's Africa trip
26 June 2013 -
Oxfam welcomes Canada’s disclosure requirements on mining, oil and gas companies
12 June 2013 -
Oxfam reaction to Africa Progress Panel Report 2013: Equity in Extractives
10 May 2013