
  • Climate change, inequality and resilience in Bolivia

    Climate change, inequality and resilience in Bolivia

    3 December 2020
  • osp_evaluation_rumi.jpg

    Evaluation of the Oxfam Strategic Plan 2013–2019

    29 July 2019
  • cyclone_idai.jpg

    From cyclone to food crisis

    11 July 2019
  • onl_16966_niger_yagana.jpg

    Building climate change resilience in Niger to keep hunger away

    11 December 2018
  • A teenage volunteer conducts hygiene promotion classes with her peers, Bangladesh

    Oxfam’s Strategy for Resilience in Asia

    4 February 2016
  • Mrs. Sao Khea, 45, has three daughters and one son living Anlongklong zone, Kralanh village Kbal Trach commune, Krakor district, Pursat province.

    Adapting to climate change, a resilience story from Cambodia

    1 October 2015