tremblement de terre
2 March 2010
Oxfam sends staff to respond to Chilean Earthquake
27 February 2010 -
Haiti earthquake one month on: Oxfam says ‘still a mountain to climb’ in Haiti
12 February 2010 -
Survey shows few Haitians willing to move far to camps outside the city
8 February 2010 -
G7 must take on emergency recovery plan for Haiti, global economic crisis
5 February 2010 -
Overwhelming generosity funds Oxfam’s immediate short-term work in Haiti
28 January 2010 -
Oxfam initiates “cash for work” program in Haiti
26 January 2010 -
Haiti earthquake: One of the toughest weeks ever for Oxfam staff
19 January 2010 -
Oxfam teams in Haiti initiating aid delivery
15 January 2010 -
Oxfam staff member killed in Haiti quake
14 January 2010