water and sanitation

  • Over 1,800 people took part in Oxfam Intermón Trailwalker in Girona (Spain) in 2019. Photo: Jaume Sans Curià/Oxfam

    A year in pictures: how we stood together in 2019

    23 December 2019
  • Oxfam recently started the construction of a more than 100-kilometres-long gravity-fed water supply system, that will provide safe water to some of the most remote locations in DRC.

    Saving lives with water: support Oxfam’s longest ever pipeline in DRC

    19 March 2019
  • Jenipher Nkotima, 24, used to be able to grow enough maize to feed her family but that the recent drought, exacerbated by climate change, means there hasn’t been enough food to go round. Photo: Eldson Chagara/Oxfam

    The longest lean season

    21 November 2016
  • A teenage volunteer conducts hygiene promotion classes with her peers, Bangladesh

    Oxfam’s Strategy for Resilience in Asia

    4 February 2016
  • Oxfam Sense Making Exercise for a Selection of Evaluations 2013-2014

    11 August 2015
  • Oxfam reaching Nepal’s most isolated in a race against the monsoon

    24 May 2015