World Bank
10 April 2016
The IFC and tax havens
10 April 2016 -
Inequality on the agenda for Lagarde and Kim ahead of World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings
5 April 2016 -
International investors must withdraw all involvement now from deadly Honduras dam project, says Oxfam
8 March 2016 -
Philippe Le Houérou appointed to lead the International Finance Corporation
11 November 2015 -
Climate change puts millions at risk of falling into poverty, World Bank warns
9 November 2015 -
Some progress on inequality and climate change in Lima amid tax disappointment
10 October 2015 -
IMF doesn't mention inequality in Lima speech, while World Bank says TPP could be good for growth
8 October 2015 -
Climate finance and corporate tax reform will be litmus test for success in Lima finance meetings
7 October 2015 -
Oxfam's reaction to the World Bank's announcement about the fall in the global number of people living in extreme poverty
3 October 2015