EU Anti-Tax Avoidance package will fail to end the era of tax havens, warns Oxfam Despite EU intentions to crack down on tax avoidance, the European Commission’s Anti-Tax Avoidance Package does not do what it says on the tin, warns Oxfam,
62 people own the same as half the world, reveals Oxfam Davos report Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population – a figure that has fallen from 388 j
One-off aid convoys won’t save starving Syrians Only a complete end to the siege in Madaya, and in other beseiged areas such as Fua’a and Kafraya, together with guarantees for sustained aid deliveries
Weather and war to put humanitarian system under unprecedented strain in 2016 The effects of a super El Niño are set to put the world’s humanitarian system under an unprecedented level of strain in 2016 as it already struggles to cope
World Trade Organization not delivering what world urgently needs: a strong fair rules-based and multilateral trading system The recent World Trade Organization deal made in Nairobi fails to deliver what is urgently needed, while the US and the EU continue to push for regional rath
Don’t put border security before safety of people Oxfam is dismayed by the results of the European summit, which has strengthened a security-led approach to border control as the principal response of Europe
Agreed climate deal offers a frayed life-line for the world’s poorest people Oxfam said it is vital that governments return to the negotiating table before the new agreement takes effect from 2020 to strengthen pledges of emissions cu
No movement on key issues in new Paris text - this is crunch time at COP21 “There is still a long way to go: this is crunch time.