Hours before the release of a new draft of the Paris agreement, signs look grim The situation looks grim as Oxfam awaits the release of a revised and likely second-to-last draft of a global climate change agreement, expected to be
Ministers meeting in Paris have 24 hours to assemble finance package and avoid 3ºC deal Time is running out for ministers meeting in Paris to boost adaptation funding levels by 2020 and agree to set new improved finance targets for both adaptati
Tax reform is key alongside MNC probes, says Oxfam, as Brussels investigates McDonald’s Oxfam welcomes the investigation of tax deals major companies strike with EU member states, but tax reform is key to end harmful and unfair tax practices.
World’s richest 10% produce half of carbon emissions while poorest 3.5 billion account for just a tenth The poorest half of the world’s population - 3.5 billion people - is responsible for just 10 percent of carbon emissions, despite being the most threatened b
World leaders’ words need to be turned into action at COP21 "Leaders took to the world stage with words of inspiration but delegates have got little more to bring the world closer to a strong climate deal, said Oxfam’s c
EU budget 2016: EU boosts funds for refugee crisis and development to historic high – good move, say ONE and Oxfam ONE and Oxfam welcome that the highest amount of funding ever has been allocated to refugees and development programs in the European Union's 2016 budget.
European Parliament takes important step to end tax dodging With the adoption of the TAXE report, the European Parliament voted in favor of specific recommendations aimed at stopping corporate tax avoidance across the
Delays in cutting emissions set to cost developing countries hundreds of billions of dollars more Climate change alert: Oxfam report reveals spiralling costs of 3 degree compared to 2 degrees warming.
Huge majority of public call for new laws to clamp down on tax havens – Pan-European poll Eight of ten Europeans say laws need to change to clamp down on the use of tax havens, a poll published on Tuesday shows.
Overstretched and underfunded refugee camps in Tanzania put over 110,000 Burundian refugees at risk Health and shelter for Burundian refugees in Tanzania are poised to get worse in already overstretched camps, the aid agencies Oxfam, HelpAge Internati