Oxfam EU: Media Advisory and Calendar

Oxfam EU’s monthly media advisory provides an update on what EU stories, moments and events Oxfam is keeping its eye on. Please get in touch for interview requests, statements, background information and embargoed copies of upcoming reports.     

Oxfam experts are also available to comment on the situation in Gaza, the EU’s budget and impact on development and humanitarian aid, the EU’s new Global Gateway initiative and the EU’s deregulation drive with respect to its impact on the EU’s rules on supply chains (CSDDD). 


Upcoming moments       


Date TBC – Pushbacks at the Poland-Belarus border – Report: Egala and Oxfam will publish a report on pushbacks at the Polish border. Experts are available for interview. Please reach out for an embargoed copy.   

Date TBC – Brussels-Syria Pledging Conference – Media Reaction: The EU will host the ninth Brussels Conference on "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" and we will publish a reaction. 

4 March – 3 years anniversary of Temporary Protection to Ukrainian refugees – Statement:  Oxfam will publish a joint statement calling for a durable solution and continued support for Ukrainian refugees. 

5 March – Beyond Bioenergy – Statement: Oxfam will publish a joint statement on how the EU could move beyond bioenergy. A public stunt against bioenergy subsidies will take place at 17:45 in front of the European Parliament on Place du Luxembourg. Oxfam experts and partners will be available for comment.  

18 March – EP Event Pushbacks in Poland & Greece – Event and Interview: Oxfam is co-organising an event at the European Parliament on pushbacks with speakers being the Greek Council for Refugees and Egala. Representatives from these organisations will be available for interviews or meetings to discuss pushbacks in Greece and Poland, respectively. Please reach out for more information. 

18 March – EU Tax Symposium – Panel: Oxfam tax policy lead, Susana Ruiz, will moderate the panel on European and international corporate tax reform during the EU Tax Symposium. Oxfam tax experts will be available for comment. 

 20 and 21 March – European Council – Comment: EU leaders will kickstart the discussion for the next EU 7-year budget, including how to boost EU’s Own Resources. Chiara Putaturo, Oxfam EU tax expert, is available for comments. 

Contact information

Jade Tenwick | Brussels, Belgium | jade.tenwick@oxfam.org | mobile +32 473 56 22 60 | WhatsApp only +32 484 81 22 94   

Giulia Melchionda | Brussels, Belgium | giulia.melchionda@oxfam.org | mobile +39 339 166 9268    

For more information on our work and to see our latest press releases, please visit oxfam.org/eu.      

For updates, follow us on TwitterBlueSky and LinkedIn.