climate change
15 September 2021
Oxfam reaction to IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (WGI AR6)
9 August 2021 -
‘Net zero’ carbon targets are dangerous distractions from the priority of cutting emissions says new Oxfam report
3 August 2021 -
Severe flooding and landslides in Bangladesh’s refugee camps threaten thousands
30 July 2021 -
Oxfam reaction to G7 communiqué
13 June 2021 -
Reaction to G7 announcement on green investment
13 June 2021 -
G7 economies could lose 8.5% per year by 2050 without more ambitious climate action – Oxfam
7 June 2021 -
Petersberg Climate Dialogue must step up climate action in critical year
5 May 2021 -
Oxfam urges more ambition and action after Earth Day Summit
23 April 2021 -
Earth Day Summit must catalyze global climate action
21 April 2021