climate change

  • food_crisis_women_farmers.jpg

    Gender inequalities and food insecurity

    15 July 2019
  • Fatoumata lives in Burkina Faso. She is a cattle rancher and milk producer. Every day she travels 20km to Bobo to sell her milk and milk produced by the other families in her community. Photo: Pablo Tasco/Oxfam

    Sahel: fighting inequality to respond to development and security challenges

    2 July 2019
  • European stakeholders call for immediate action in face of climate emergency

    7 May 2019
  • Oxfam reaction to David Malpass' press conference

    11 April 2019
  • New World Bank president must act on climate

    5 April 2019
  • The response to global hunger is tragically inadequate

    2 April 2019
  • Field Tree Village, Butaw Oil Palm Concession, Liberia. Photo: Anna Fawcus/Oxfam

    Companies spoke. Did their suppliers listen?

    4 March 2019
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    Building climate change resilience in Niger to keep hunger away

    11 December 2018