climate finance
12 December 2017
‘One Planet’ summit must help those on the front lines of climate change
11 December 2017 -
Quick ratification of Paris agreement welcome, but EU now needs to translate words into action
4 October 2016 -
Unfinished business
16 May 2016 -
No movement on key issues in new Paris text - this is crunch time at COP21
9 December 2015 -
Game-Changers in the Paris Climate Deal
25 November 2015 -
EU weakens its alliance with vulnerable countries
10 November 2015 -
Some progress on inequality and climate change in Lima amid tax disappointment
10 October 2015 -
Finance ministers in Lima agree to scale up climate funds, but not for the poorest
9 October 2015 -
US-China commitment encouraging, but collective solution for climate crisis is needed
25 September 2015