Twelve major companies and sixteen high level retired Generals and Admirals call on President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to lead the effort to establish an equitable, effective and accountable global climate fund at the UN climate negotiations in Cancun.
Negotiators should begin UN climate talks with far more urgency and resolve following a year of weather-related disasters, record temperatures, flooding and rising sea levels.
Claims today have surfaced that Europe will fall €200 million short of its previous pledge to raise €2.4bn to help poor countries cope with climate change in 2010, and by as much as €357 mi
A new report from the UN’s High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF) makes it crystal clear that raising the public money to help poor countries build resilience to climate change is possible without putting the squeeze on taxpayers.
EU environment ministers could break through the dominance of China and the US that prevented progress at the Tianjin climate talks by making key decisions on climate finance when they meet in Luxembourg today, says international agency Oxfam.
The shipping industry can do more to tackle climate change and raise billions of dollars to help poor countries cope with its devastating impact. A major meeting of the IMO – the international shipping regulators – is starting in London today.
Oxfam welcomed the launch of a new website by the Dutch Minister of the Environment today ( which aims to collect and present details about climate finance pledges from developed countries.
Progress achieved during the past two weeks at Bonn will come to nothing if developed countries don’t scale up their ambition. The mood has been more constructive but the disagreements that derailed the Copenhagen talks are still to be resolved.
Oxfam has today warned that the $100billion a year pledged by rich nations to help fight climate change could fail the poorest people, if recent moves to deliver climate cash as loans continue.