7 June 2022
Climate change, inequality and resilience in Bolivia
3 December 2020 -
Uneven ground: land inequality at the heart of unequal societies
24 November 2020 -
Fighting inequality in the time of COVID-19: The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2020
8 October 2020 -
Oxfam calls for action to avert the ethnocide of indigenous peoples
21 July 2020 -
The hunger virus: how COVID-19 is fuelling hunger in a hungry world
9 July 2020 -
World in the midst of a ‘hunger pandemic’: conflict, coronavirus and climate crisis threaten to push millions into starvation
9 July 2020 -
Dignity not destitution
9 April 2020 -
Tax Incentives for businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean
9 September 2019 -
Do taxes influence inequality between women and men?
21 August 2019